A close friend and neighbour of Hong Kong, Taiwan is also home to some of the world’ highest quality organic produce. With one of the toughest organic certification programs in the world, organic produce in Taiwan must satisfy a de-facto zero tolerance policy towards agro-chemicals, pesticides and other contaminants like heavy metals.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), for example, allows organic products sold in the United States to contain traces of pesticides as long as they are not applied directly to the product and the volume of pesticide residue is lower than 5% of the maximum residue limits (MRLS) of regular products. However, Taiwan's certification body forbids even such instances of possible neighboring or background contamination during inspection.
This extremely strict approach allows consumers to enjoy complete peace of mind when they purchase and eat produce that has managed to get certified but inevitably places a heavy financial and operational burden on the farmers.
We hope that as you and your family enjoy some of the most fresh, delicious and nutrient dense fruits and vegetables in the world, we can can play a small part in helping these humble farmers thrive and continue their quest for sustainable, organic farming.